Justin Arras

Operations Director

Justin Arras craves an efficient and effective organization. His 15 years of experience on both the delivery and business side created a jack-of-all-trades personality that gets the job done. His auditing background provides the attention to detail that helps ensure Dignari internal processes are performing at their peak.

As Operations Director, Justin’s focus and diligence in tackling the “administrivia” behind the scenes allows our delivery teams to direct more time and energy on the client’s mission needs.

Outside the office he enjoys listening to good music and chilling with family and friends. Justin loves friendly competition and can often be found in the middle of some sort of fun and games. He passes on the competitive nature to his two daughters coaching them in various sporting activities throughout the year - finding joy in leading others and watching them excel. Fun fact: Only 6% of adults consider the yellow lemon Skittle to be their favorite, including Justin!


Alexis Tuttle


Lusine Sargsyan